There are people who are big, small, young, old, fat, skinny, tall, short, good looking, ugly, & some even very ugly. You find people from every walk of life, including Asian, Indian, Jewish, black, white, purple, etc. There are guidos who wear their wife beaters & gold chains & even a cowboy in his underwear. The people are EVERYWHERE & there's so many of them.
The little stands along every street have all sorts of nick-nacks that you might need. The bars are on every corner. So are the Starbucks. Driving down 5th Avenue you will see every big label that you have ever heard.
The city itself is also gearing up for the greatest event to hit NY since the Giants Superbowl parade (but that will be my next blog). There are "Statues of Liberty on Parade" placed all over the city & decorated for every team. They also have one for the Brooklyn Dodgers & the NY Giants baseball team & a few others to commemorate both Yankee Stadium & Shea Stadium & the All-Star Game itself. I'd personally like to find out where the Red Sox statue is because I want to demolish it. It's probably inside a police station or somewhere people cant get to it because they figure there are many other fans such as myself.
So the cabs may almost kill you ("watch out for the yellow ones, they don't stop") & the subways are beyond crowded but despite this & the graffiti, the homeless lining the streets & the perpetual smell of garbage in the air, there is no doubt in my mind that New York is indeed the greatest city in the world.
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