Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Flying Solo

So I was sitting in the airport earlier debating what to write about my super, fantastic, splendid, wonderful, fabulous trip home that I just took.  I could talk about the fun night out with the girls I had.  Or my cousin's wedding.  Or my interview.  Or my friends/family/dog.  But I simply cant say enough about how great that all was.  So what do I write about?

As I pondered this puzzling thought we were about to board so I put my writing on hold.  I'd write once they said that I could turn on approved electronic devices.  So I waited and I waited.  Nothing.  Technical difficulties, it would be another while.  Right after I started my second episode of Heroes (you know, the one right before they Save the Cheerleader, Save the World), they were sorry again ladies and gentleman, but we're going to need to switch planes because this one is broken.  Maybe they didn't say it in those words but something like it.  I wasn't worried though, because I watch Lost & since I was on the front of the plane, I knew Jack & Sawyer would be there & I would be their Kate & that would just be swell.

So this lovely little flight attendant was so pleasant the whole time & when we finally took off, he & I struck up a conversation.  Good looking guy with blue eyes & dimples & everyone knows I'm a sucker for dimples (perhaps that makes me narcissistic, I don't know).  So then I asked him for my seltzer, & he smiled & asked if I wanted vodka with that.  Boy did he know how to win this girl's heart!  So I got my vodka for FREE.  Then he asked what was fun to do in Miami & I said me ;).  No I didn't but that would've been funny.  But before we landed, the best part about all this is that he walked by & put a Continental napkin on my lap with his phone number on it.  I loved that.  Of course that happens to me.  But so anyway, he obviously solved my blogging problem.  Thank you Josh, Flight Attendant.  (And the answer is yes, I plan on calling him later.)


Amanda said...

OMG that's hysterical!! I would've been so annoyed that the flight was delayed and stricken with technical difficulties, but that sounds like fun! Keep up the good flirting Amy :)

KSButterfly447 said...

That is so great. Hey do you think you could fly to Paris for a dinner date?
Peruse around Paris!