Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Cinco de Mayo

You gotta love America/Americans.  We look for any & all excuses to drink.  Hey the Mexicans got their freedom!  I'll drink to that.  That's all Cinco de Mayo is, their Independence Day.  Do Mexicans celebrate the Fourth of July like we celebrate the Fifth of May?

Why don't we celebrate when the French took over Canada?  Or Bastille Day?  Or when they let them eat cake in England?  Are these not worthy celebratory causes?  I like cake.  I'll eat it.

Don't get me wrong, I'm just as guilty as the next person.  I went out for this "holiday".  I said "hola" to my friends.  I had a margarita & a shot of tequila & some Coronas.  I'm not an alcoholic, I just celebrated like the true Mexican I am.  I even wished all night that I had a sombrero & a poncho.  I did happen to borrow someone's sombrero just for a photo op & then returned it after my modeling time was up.

But why does everyone get so excited about this particular day?  Mexico is no more special then Brazil (although I'm sure they beg to differ).  It's like how people who aren't Irish celebrate St. Patrick's Day.  Everyone loves that day too.  I just don't get it.

I petition we start celebrating every country's independence!  So crack open a cold one & have a cheers to Simon Bolivar & Giuseppe Garibaldi because we could always use one more reason to drink!


KSButterfly447 said...

Whoa, a lot of historical name droppin. Did you google them, or are you a Mexican citizen that I don't know about!

Unknown said...

it was all from memory...thank you ms geraghty my highschool history teacher haha