I've been on a saving money kick lately. I have a job for an accountant as a consultant & that's pretty good money. She even wants to add me on for another day, which is good because I'll get even more money. I'm not exactly accountant material & not really enjoying it but no complaints here because I'm lucky to have a job. I also recently applied to be a TV host aboard cruise ships, which if I got I'd be able to put my degree to good use while living aboard a cruise ship & being on a constant vacation. Pretty good idea if you ask me, so hopefully that pans out. But also in addition to making money, I've been trying to save it. Kind of like in Confessions of a Shopaholic: M.M.M & C.B. (Make More Money & Cutting Back.)
One way I've been cutting back is by trying to go out only once a weekend. All those nights of going out really add up. When I say "going out", I of course mean buying more drinks then most gals' livers can handle. It's probably better for my health to give up one of those nights too. On my big night out though, I also have a money-saving game plan. I simply flirt with an unsuspecting victim until he buys me a drink. I can sometimes get the bartender to do a shot with me without paying, too. It's an art form really. Obviously it's not successful 100% of the time, but I mean even the "Bend & Snap" only has a 98% success rate of getting a man's attention & when used appropriately, it has an 83% rate of a return on a dinner invitation. Woops, I digress. Sorry for getting all Elle Woods on you there. I will buy my own RBVs to start the night & then after those have kicked in & I'm ready for beer, I begin my maneuvering. You can't attack with a friend because they rarely offer to buy both of you a drink. In Hawaii however, some kid asked me what I was drinking & I told him 2 Bud Lights, 1 for me & 1 for Sarah. He looked annoyed but got them anyway.
The thing about buying drinks though, is that sometimes guys feel as if you now owe them something because they bought you a drink. Clearly T-Pain does. In my opinion, you owe them nothing. We immediately ditched the kid in Hawaii but he kept following. Thanks for the drink, but get the hint. It's not like you just went up to somebody & said "Hey you, wanna buy me a drink?" At least I hope you wouldn't do that, you saucy minx. If they offer to buy you a drink, that's on them. You can then decide whether or not you're interested & continue conversation or cut it off & run. Just because you agree to have a man buy you a drink does not mean you agreed to a night-long relationship. On Valentine's Day, I was in all my pimpin' glory. I had so many Valentine's & so many drinks bought for me, it was grand. I mean maybe this explains my lack of relationships but who cares, I'm having fun. It really is a playing field with this kind of game plan & that makes it all the more interesting.
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