Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Catholic School Girl

As I was waiting for the bus yesterday morning, I came across a girl wearing a high school uniform (a Sea girl). There she was, thinking she looked all hot in her uniform with her skirt rolled up to her hoo-ha & I really had to stifle a laugh because that was definitely me about 7 years ago (wow, is it really that long since I've been in high school?) We all rolled our skirts & I just don't see why now because it didn't make us look any better. When I heard that my alma mater, St. Joseph Hill, had opened up the option of pants I was appalled but now I wish I had that option.

For those of you that don't know what my high school uniform looked like, let me explain. I'd show you a picture but there is no way I want a photo of myself in that uniform circulating around the Internet. We had 2 different uniforms for winter & summer months. Always at the base of the uniform was of course, the skirt. The "post man blue" as they called it. That's right, our skirts were the color of a mail man's pants. As a Hill girl, we had to have our skirts come down to our knee & there were times when we had to kneel down & make sure the skirt touched the floor. If it didn't? Detention. If that wasn't bad enough, we also had to wear a blazer of the same color! In the winter we had to wear a white button-down shirt with a navy blue V neck sweater & the blazer to top it off. We had the option of a sleeveless sweater, which absolutely nobody took. We also had to go out & buy black trench coats that had to come down to our knee. Not disgusted enough yet? Oh, that's because I haven't mentioned the shoes. They were the same color as the skirts but suede & we had to wear those with white tights. The warmer outfits were really not much better. White collared polo shirts (with the blazer of course), the skirt & saddle shoes. Yes, the very same saddle shoes that they wore during the 1940s. And no, we didn't wear them with tights, we wore them with white ankle socks.

After school, I would go & get the train with my friends to go home. We would roll our skirts & take off the blazer, as if that made it any better. Living where I do, my stop was the same stop as our "brother" high school's so I would have to fight my way through the mass of boys to get up the stairs. What's funny about this is that I would actually get hit on! High school kids are so funny. Why was this uniform okay to wear & even worse have people think you look good in it??? When Britney came out with "Hit Me Baby One More Time", I think we all kind of thought we looked like her in our uniforms. We obviously never bothered with mirrors in those days (another reason why I am NOT putting up that picture.)

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