But the reason I thought about this is because sometimes when I'm a little lonely or miss my family, I put on my grandfather's old flannel shirt. It's just one of those silly little comfort things for me. But it got me to thinking about him & his little notes he used to send me in the mail. They were amazing. There was never a time that I got one that I didn't laugh out loud or at least smile. It was always such a nice surprise when I would check my mail (plus they always had money in them so that was an added bonus.) But I miss those notes terribly because they meant so much to me & not because of the money.
When someone takes the time out to write a note or draw a picture or whatever, I just find it to be such a nice gesture. This goes for "Thank You" notes, especially. I understand after weddings you have a lot of these to write out but when someone writes something specifically for me & not a generic one they write to everyone, I will keep the note because I love that they did it. It's just somewhat of a keepsake I suppose. Maybe it's the scrapbooker in me but I always like to see things on paper. [Tangent time: I would HATE it when I would go to a Sweet 16 & as a "Thank You" I would get one of the professional photos that was taken of the Sweet 16 girl. There is absolutely no reason that I would want a professional photo taken of you. Ever. Grandparents/families? Yes. Me? HEEELLLLL NAW! But so anyway, I digress...] I worked with a girl recently that I helped train. When she was moving on to another department, she wrote me a hand-written "Thank You" note. I couldn't get over it, thought it was so nice. I later found out she wrote the same note to another girl, but hey, it's the thought that counts. My mother would love to hear me saying this because she was constantly trying to instill in me the importance of writing "Thank You's". Job well-done, Linda. You did it!
So I understand why people send Christmas cards but they've gotten to the point where they aren't personal anymore, they're more of a pain in the ass than anything. I would love it if in every one of my Christmas cards this year, there was a hand-written note to me, so get on that all 2 of you that send me Christmas cards. But I love to send little cards to my friends for stupid reasons. In fact, I'm going to start doing it more. And maybe draw little pictures inside & cut out jokes for them. Pop Pop would be proud :)
PS I always enjoy writing so much, I really don't know why I don't do it more.
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